

辅修妇女研究 is an interdisciplinary and multi-disciplinary program that seeks to provide students and the university community with educational frameworks and strategies for intellectual and personal growth, 积极的社会变革, and political awareness that informs active participation in public affairs. 它使学生对妇女问题有了认识, to understand how social constructions of gender and 性 affect and have shaped daily experience, 更广泛的社会结构, 机构, 社会关系, 以及文化和审美的生产. 就其定义而言, attention to gender necessitates an approach that examines gender across race, class, 性, 年龄, 和国籍.

历史: 1987年,南希·安德森成立了一个妇女研究委员会, 芭芭拉饰, 康妮梅, 和凯瑟琳·韦辛格. 在法拉·伊普斯塔托修女的大力支持下, the committee developed and approved a women's studies minor and program in 1989. 除了, the committee reopened the Women's Resource Center in 1995. WRC最初于1975年开放,1980年关闭. 自重新开放以来, the 妇女研究 program and the Women's Resource Center have collaborated on programming and initiatives. 

使命: 辅修妇女研究 and program at 皇冠app官方版下载 supports the mission of the university by educating the whole person in a critical and analytical understanding of women and gender across history and cultures and by promoting social justice in both an intellectual and an activist context. 


妇女研究项目由 帕特丽夏Boyett,委员会妇女资源中心主任 & 历史系,助理教授
办公室:425 Bobet Hall


  • 娜塔莎宾汉政治学系副教授
    • 指导委员会
  • 爱丽丝克拉克音乐学院 & 戏剧艺术教授
    • 评估委员会
  • Anne Daniell, Department of Religious Studies, 访问ing Assistant Professor
    • 课程委员会
    • 写作比赛委员会
  • 杰森·埃泽尔,大学图书馆副院长 & Eng年龄ment; Associate Professor
  • 艾利森·埃德格伦,历史系助理教授 
    • 拨款委员会
    • 协办“妇女历史月”系列讲座
  • 瓦莱丽•Goertzen 音乐学院 & 戏剧艺术教授
    • 拨款委员会
    • 指导委员会
  • 康斯坦斯梅教授,哲学系教授
    • 指导委员会
  • 凯德里克·佩里,多样性,公平, & 包容性,副总裁(行政,内阁)
  • 泰芬妮·贾斯珀·巴特勒,OCELTS主任
  • Negina Khalili,犯罪学客座教授 & Associate Director, Women’s Resource
  • Janna Saslaw,音乐学院 & 戏剧艺术教授
    • 指导委员会
  • Lindsay Sproul,英语系助理教授
  • Sheryl Kennedy Haydel, Director of Mass Communication, Associate Director
  • Jaita Talukdar社会学系副教授 
    • 指导委员会
  • 安妮·麦格林-赖特,社会学系助理教授
  • Rae泰勒我是犯罪学系的 & 正义,社会学教授/副教授
  • 维多利亚·维加,音乐学院的 & 戏剧艺术教授
    • 写作比赛委员会
  • 蕾切尔·华莱士,历史系客座助理教授
  • 伊丽莎白·沃特金斯英语系助理教授 
    • 写作比赛委员会
  • 凯特Yurgil,心理学系副教授 
    • 课程委员会
  • 亚历山大·史密斯,音乐学院 & Media, 访问ing Assistant Professor
    • 写作比赛委员会



师生合作资助委员会: 这个委员会有三位成员, which awards a $500 grant to support and promote faculty-student collaborations with a focus on women’s issues, 包括性别和性行为如何影响日常体验, 更广泛的社会结构, 机构, 社会关系, 以及文化和审美的生产. Types of projects may include but are not limited to research projects, 学术论文, 创意作品, 还有皇冠365官方app活动和项目. Sponsored projects should take place during the spring semester and must be completed by the end of the summer semester. Grant recipients are required to give a final presentation to the Loyola community during the following fall or spring semester. 该委员会, in concert with the Women’s Studies co-chairs, promotes the submissions. 该委员会 develops an evaluation process and collaborates with the Women’s Studies chairs 也是妇女资源中心主任 to host the presentation.


课程委员会: The 课程委员会 designed eligibility criteria for Women’s Studies courses that the full Women’s Studies Committee approved. Each course must meet the requirements as outlined in the next section. 该委员会审查洛约拉教师提交的课程建议. 除了, the committee reviews courses a student would like to take abroad to count for the minor.


SCAP委员会:  该附属委员会, 由三名成员组成, has developed a rubric assessment instrument of the paper or presentation by graduating seniors pursuing a Women’s Studies minor to determine how well the graduating students are achieving the learning outcomes. 该附属委员会 will report its findings to the curriculum committee and the full committee and recommend any changes that it deemed necessary.


指导委员会: The 指导委员会 is composed of five members and includes: the current co-chairs, 前任联合主席, 也是妇女资源中心主任. 该委员会 meets periodically to develop an 年龄nda for the committee and to address particular issues.


写作比赛委员会: 这个委员会一般由三名成员组成. The members collaborate with the Women’s Studies chairs to advertise the contest in the fall of each year. 在每年的春天, they review submissions and select up to two recipients for the 南希·菲克斯·安德森 Women’s Studies Essay award and up to two recipients for the 芭芭拉·C. 尤厄尔创意写作女性研究奖. The recipients of the awards are honored during Loyola’s Honors Convocation. 她们被刊登在女性资源中心的杂志上, 女权主义论坛 同时公布他们的获奖作品.



To reach members of the committee, please see the committee members section.  The co-chairs also monitor the following Women’s Studies email for general inquiries. wsc@offdawallmusiq.com

课程 & 评估 


课程 & 申报未成年人 

辅修妇女研究是一个21学时的项目(7门课程). Students can use the course section search (LORA) system to find courses that are eligible for the minor.  Before declaring a 妇女研究副修, please contact the current program chair or email wsc@offdawallmusiq.com



从2022年开始, all Women’s Studies minors  at the beginning of the fall or spring semester in which they graduate,  must submit a one-p年龄 reflection paper or a ten-minute recorded presentation based on a prompt provided to them by the chairs of the Women’s Studies committee that demonstrates their understanding of one of the primary key learning outcomes of the Women’s Studies Interdisciplinary Minor curriculum. The Women’s Studies co-chairs will reach out to graduating seniors to facilitate this process.


妇女研究课程的资格标准: 由课程委员会设计, faculty interested in teaching a course in the Women’s Studies Program must submit to the Women’s Studies 课程委员会 a brief narrative justifying why the course qualifies to be included as a 妇女研究 course and a syllabus of the proposed course. 这门辅修女性研究课程的学分, it must dedicate at least 60% of the course material and assignments to discussions of women’s and gender issues. 另外, Women’s Studies members have put together a set of eligibility criteria (included below) that interested faculty are expected to incorporate in the course objectives, 课程内容, 以及学生的学习成果. 准备提交课程建议的教员必须:


1. Submit a brief narrative demonstrating how the course fulfills and eng年龄s with the eligibility criteria. The curriculum committee has recommended that a course needs to satisfy at least five of the eligibility criteria, 在某些情况下可能包括五个以上的标准.

2. Interested faculty members are required to submit a syllabus that shows a sustained eng年龄ment with the eligibility criteria that is further reflected in student learning outcomes (such as those demonstrated through course assignments). Faculty who wish to have their courses included in the WS minor should submit their syllabi at least a month prior to student advising/registration week.


 合格标准:  This course will satisfy at least 5 of the following elements of the eligibility criteria. 该委员会, 然而, encour年龄s faculty to include as many of the following criteria when designing a Women's Studies course:


____ covers issues that discuss how women’s and men’s lives are affected in gender specific ways.


____     covers issues that discuss the socio-historical experiences of women.


____     studies creative, literary and scholarly works produced by or about women.


____     explores feminist theories that ground discussions on gender equality and justice. 


____ demonstrates that gender (or even sex) is a socially constructed, hierarchical phenomenon that places emphasis on differences between women and men, and bestows unequal material and social privileges based on such differences.


____证明了社会制度, 通过法律或期望来规范性别恰当的行为, 维持和加强性别二元对立.


____ demonstrates eng年龄ment with the role feminist and other social movements played in challenging gender as a system of inequality and privilege.


____ takes on an intersectional approach to show how gender interacts with other social statuses (ethnicity, 性取向, 社会阶层, 宗教的地位, 以及其他)为女性和男性创造独特的体验.


____     eng年龄s in the methodologies and/or pedagogies of the field of Women’s and Gender Studies.


____     privileges women as producers of knowledge, rather than simply as subjects of study.



助学金、写作比赛 & 奖

妇女研究 Program Faculty/Student Collaborative Project Grant

妇女研究委员会 periodically awards a $500 grant to support a faculty-student collaborative project with a focus on women’s issues. The deadline to submit an application for the 2022 cycle is January 12, 2022. 赞助项目应在2022年春夏期间进行, 所有洛约拉教职员工和全日制学生都有资格申请. They should present their project in the fall 2022 or spring 2023 at an event sponsored by the Women’s Studies Program and 妇女资源中心.  要获得申请,请发邮件给Allison Edgren, amedgren@offdawallmusiq.com. 申请将由妇女研究委员会成员审核, 获奖者将通过电子邮件收到通知. See the call for submissions, the application in格式ion, and detailed instructions below:





妇女研究委员会 will award a $500 grant to support and promote faculty-student collaborations with a focus on women’s issues, 包括性别和性行为如何影响日常体验, 更广泛的社会结构, 机构, 社会关系, 以及文化和审美的生产. Types of projects may include but are not limited to research projects, 学术论文, 创意作品, 还有皇冠365官方app活动和项目.


Sponsored projects should take place between Spring 2022 and Fall 2022. Grant recipients are required to give a final presentation to the Loyola community during Fall 2022 or Spring 2023. 演示可以是面对面的、虚拟的或混合的.



2021 - 22的最后期限























I. 项目总结(100字):





电邮意见书 pdf 格式  to: wsc@offdawallmusiq.com


南希·菲克斯·安德森女性研究论文奖: 这个奖项是为了表彰. 南希·菲克斯·安德森, Professor Emerita of 历史 (1974-75; 1979-2006), a founding member of the Women’s Studies Program and former chair of the Women’s Studies Committee. 一位受欢迎的教师和致力于研究妇女历史的学者, she was one of the first women faculty to receive Loyola's prestigious Dux Academicus award (1994). 比赛对所有洛约拉学生开放. Entries should be non-fiction prose, such as research papers, position papers, reports. Essays should have been written in a course for academic credit during the academic year in question or in the previous Spring or Summer term and validated by the instructor of the course to be authentic and original. 前ics can be in any academic discipline, but it must concern an issue specific to women or gender. 该委员会 may choose up to two students who submitted entries to receive this award.


芭芭拉·C. 尤厄尔创意写作女性研究奖: Entries may be any work of creative writing, including poetry, fiction or drama. 参赛作品必须是学生的原创作品, 已发表或未发表, 关于妇女和/或性别的主题. 几年前, 委员会以芭芭拉·尤厄尔的名字命名了这个奖项, one of the Women’s Studies Program’s founders and most distinguished members. The Dorothy Harrell Brown Distinguished Professor received the Dux Academicus Award in 2003. 她是《皇冠app官方版下载》的作者, 关于文艺复兴时期诗歌的各种文章, 各种北美作家, 女权主义教学法. 她参与编辑了两个系列, Louisiana Women Writers: Critical Essays and Bibliography and Southern Local Color: Stories of Region, 种族与性别. 该委员会 may choose up to two students who submitted entries to receive this award.


获奖者奖项- 2021


芭芭拉·C. 尤厄尔创意写作女性研究奖-获得者




德莱尼·哈珀:《窒息的声音:性压迫,黑人女性, & 解雇方式.”      

Aniya Teno,《变性女性:性别暴力》 & 正义”

The award-winning essays and poem are featured in 妇女资源中心’s 女权主义论坛  女权主义论坛,2021年6月由皇冠app官方版下载


Fara Impastato修女杰出女性研究奖


妇女研究委员会 named this award after Sister Fara Impastato, 1989年妇女研究项目的创始人之一. She was among the first professors to teach courses focused on women as well as an ardent supporter of the first Women’s Resource Center (WRC), 1975年开业,1980年关闭. 此外,她还支持在20世纪90年代重新开放WRC. 该委员会 may select up to two graduating students in the Women’s Studies Interdisciplinary Minor to receive this award.



Shosh Pojawa                         


这些获奖者都在妇女资源中心的名单上 女权主义论坛 (2021年6月) 女权主义论坛,2021年6月由洛约拉大学新奥尔良-问题e         



妇女研究委员会 eng年龄s in a variety of programs each year. It collaborates with several departments and the Women's Resource Center. 




妇女研究委员会, 妇女资源中心, and the Department of 历史 collaborate to host a series of lectures on Tuesdays in March.



The Women’s Resource Center hosts an annual 女权主义的节日 and partners with 妇女研究项目 on many of the programs and activities. 今年的电影节将于3月21日至25日举行.


The Women’s Resource Center in collaboration with the University 咨询中心, 妇女研究项目, 来自几个皇冠365官方app组织的代表, 迪拉德大学, 杜兰大学, 新奥尔良大学, 和泽维尔大学主办的新奥尔良夜. 每年10月举行.